501 schools

Recognising the impact of our School Breakfast Program

Our School Breakfast Program started in 2001 with a group of just 17 schools. Since then over 20 years ago, we have been providing local schools with access to breakfast foods to ensure students who come to school hungry have food before entering the classroom.

In 2022 we hit a new milestone – 501 schools!

While we are thrilled to reach new schools and provide this service to more students, it is a bittersweet achievement. That’s 501 schools who see children coming to school hungry. 501 schools who recognise the difference that one meal can make. 501 schools where students need help to get food in their tummies for better nutrition, health, and academic outcomes.

We are proud to be working towards ending hunger and want to thank our amazing network of schools for running this program and supporting students in need.

WA 501 Schools School Breakfast Program

Learn more about the School Breakfast Program