Leah’s story

You hear stories about life turning upside down in an instant. Leah doesn’t just hear about it; she lives it.

A motorcycle accident ripped her husband Steve from work, leaving him with a brain injury and their family in financial freefall. Medical bills mounted, the family business folded, and hungry mouths loomed.

“We found ourselves in a perilous position of not meeting our bills, let alone putting food on the table,” Leah said.

Juggling finances was a tightrope Leah already walked with practiced steps. Caring for her two sons, the household budget, like many around the state, was always a balancing act. Add constant medical bills to support her son with level two autism and a chronic illness, and Leah was running out of options.

I suddenly became acutely aware of the price of food and how easily those prices can bring on anxiety attacks,” she said.

Asking for help was daunting but a kind stranger’s words pointed her towards Foodbank WA.

“I was full of pride that I could fend for myself,” said Leah. “A lovely person heard my ideas and said, we are all individuals and not to compare. If I needed help, just reach out. So I did, and I have no regrets.  My family are no longer suffering in silence and I appreciate every week that I can go to Foodbank.”

The weekly hampers weren’t just food; they were survival kits:

“I  now stop missing meals in order to feed my family.  I have a vehicle that is registered because I had money to pay the registration so my husband can be taken to rehabilitation and my son to Fiona Stanley Hospital for appointments. Without accessing Foodbank, I would be unable to put food on the table or to pay my other utilities.”

Leah’s story is a powerful reminder that vulnerability is not weakness but a pathway to hope. The next time you see a Mobile Foodbank or hear about a local food drive, remember Leah. Remember the quiet victories made possible by the kindness of strangers.

Every day we help families like Leah’s.

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