A lifeline on wheels

What our Mobile Foodbank means for Rose

Life happens to all of us, and Rose understands this better than most. Currently living on Centrelink benefits, she knows the daily struggle of balancing bills, groceries and everyday expenses.

Rose explains, “I’m only on Centrelink, so it is quite hard to manage my money and grocery shop as well. This has really helped in terms of just being able to afford food as well as everything else.

Our Mobile Foodbank, a lifeline on wheels, serves as a symbol of hope for Rose and many others like her. It drives through Perth’s suburbs, offering affordable food and grocery staples to bridge the gap between financial constraints and basic needs.

But it’s more just than the convenience. For Rose, like many others, bills often take precedence over food and our Mobile Foodbank service is their lifeline. “Me and my partner had the electricity bill due. We both chucked in for it, but we didn’t have much money to afford a food shop. This place is like a Godsend. If I’m struggling, I can bring $20 and that’s my food shop for the week. It’s perfect.

With our Mobile Foodbank, Rose has also found a way to eat healthier, more nutritious meals. The hampers prepared by our volunteers contain everything needed for a balanced meal – “I am eating better because you get everything you need in the packs. If I were to go to the shops, I’d probably just buy unhealthy, easy, you know. But here you get a variety.

But it’s not just about the food; it’s the dignity. “You don’t feel any different than you would just going to a grocery store. I don’t feel embarrassed. I enjoy coming here.

In Rose’s journey, Mobile Foodbank isn’t just a service; it’s a helping hand in times of need without judgment. Life may happen to all of us, but our Mobile Foodbank is here to help people navigate these challenges with dignity and resilience.

Find out more about the Mobile Foodbank