Strengthening Communities Through Charity Partnerships

Learn about our connection with Perth charities

At Foodbank WA, we know that hunger is just one part of the story. When people turn to us for help, they’re often grappling with compounding challenges. But that’s where our incredible charity partners come in. These organisations are the unsung heroes who work hand-in-hand with us to make a real difference in people’s lives. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the valuable role they play in our mission to feed change.

A hub of support

Life can throw curveballs at the best of times, and when someone reaches out to a community support centre, it’s usually not for just one reason. They might be dealing with multiple hidden challenges, from housing insecurity to domestic violence. These charities are lifelines offering comprehensive assistance to families and individuals going through tough times. They’re on the front lines in our communities, acting as a vital resource hub for those in need.

By partnering with these amazing organisations that are deeply embedded in their communities, we become an essential resource they can provide to even more people who require our help.

WA Foodbank WA Perth Charities Strengthening Communities

Taking the first step

Access to food and shelter is a fundamental human right, and when life takes a wrong turn, these are often the first things people lose. Unlike some challenges in life that can be postponed, the need for food is immediate and pressing. It’s often the point at which individuals seek assistance, and it’s also the starting point for our charity partners to build connections and offer comprehensive support.

When these incredible agencies identify someone in need of food assistance, they then refer them to us. Importantly, these referrals aren’t bound by citizenship, residency, or welfare requirements because we understand that one size doesn’t fit all. We’re here to provide nourishment and support, not to pass judgment. The decision of who needs our help lies with our partnering agencies, who know their communities inside out.

Thanks for all you do

Thank you to all of our charity partners for your help and support in getting food and groceries to the Western Australians who need it most.

Learn more about how we work with charities