Perth WA

Five years ago, Stuart traded his social work hat for a Foodbank volunteer badge. He craved purpose during retirement and found it in familiar territory – helping others.

“I actually started volunteering with the Mobile Foodbank back when it was just this little old ute with a freezer box on the back,” Stuart chuckled. “It’s definitely come a long way since then.”

What really keeps Stuart coming back is the social interaction and strong team spirit:

“I really enjoy coming to work here. It’s a great team environment and a chance to not only be part of a team and have great social interactions, but a way of giving back. It has a feel-good factor about it.”

Stuart Volunteer WA

He loves the autonomy of working on our Mobile Foodbank – just him, the customer, and his work skills in practice.

But really, it’s the sense of purpose that keeps him engaged. “It’s not just a job. It’s about being part of something bigger.”

“Before I came here, I was a social worker helping men transition from prison. Purpose and a sense of belonging were key for them. I really felt that when I retired from management. One day you’re a boss and have a team, the next you’re at home. Volunteering gave me a new purpose.”

Inspired by Stuart’s story? Join our team and make a difference.

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